drink the lips, parted like wine’s
firery depths, with forge-like edges
the usury of handwritten existence
cast it to the winds, let it go
the nudist trees splash and storm
up to their knees in autumn
and we are most nude and beautiful
in the ballad fires of blazing nights
the morning of poppies from the edges of a dream
the waking city rolls down the hill
as its bars and churches spill
on an unslept tousled head
Versta 2010
Poetinis Druskininkų ruduo 2010 = Druskininkai Poetic Fall 2010 / sudarytojas ir vyriausiasis redaktorius Kornelijus Platelis = Compiler and editor-in-chief Kornelijus Platelis. – Vilnius: Vaga, 2010. – P. 39;
Zei şi zile = Days and gods: Antologia Festivalului Internaţional „Nopţile de Poezie de la Curtea de Argeş“: ediţia a XV-a, 2011; Poesys 15, plurilingv I / Antologie, biobibliografii şi tălmăciri de Dumitru M. Ion şi Carolina Ilica. – Bucureşti: Editura academiei internaţionale Orient-occident. – P. 116.