Vladas Braziūnas poetry in English

VLADAS BRAZIŪNAS (b. February 17, 1952) is a Lithuanian author of nine books of poetry, essayist and translator of Byelorussian, Croatian, French, Latvian, Polish, Serbian, Russian, Ukrainian poetry; a member of the Lithuanian Writers’ Union and the Lithuanian PEN center.

Vladas Braziūnas grew up in the town of Pasvalys in northern Lithuania. At Vilnius University he studied journalism and Lithuanian philology. Vladas has mostly worked at various cultural and literary publications and has served as an editor-in-chief for the weekly Literatūra ir menas (Literature and Art). Since 1996, Vladas has concentrated on creative work.
See also Romas Daugirdas. Miry Collection
Vladas Braziūnas. "I will cast a net of red silk" („užmesiu tinklą raudonų šilkų“)
beyond the seas it steered chips splattered through the window
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. a bifurcate candlestick received as a present (dovanota dvišaka žvakidė)
the guardian angel, roughly made by a convict, from my bookshelf
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. a bright night, warm and gentle as the insides of your thighs (šviesi naktis, šilta ir švelni tarytum vidinė tavo šlaunų pusė)
a bright night, warm and gentle as the insides of your thighs, you will sleep through that morning, wake in the day, wait half
2017/04/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. A Letter to the Witch (laiškas laumei)
ragged lilies under the window, on them a small bug red and shimmering your blue four-winged steed
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. a short history of time (trumpa laiko istorija)
listen to him who flinches from the slightest sound follow him closely, be vigilant and meek
2008/04/11 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. always because of that beer (vis per tą alų)
God loved man without measure, made Eve for him from a rib
2008/01/15 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Birds About Our Love (paukščiai apie mūsų meilę)
we did not expect to approach shore nor the island and were nailed by illusion and despair to the mast
2009/01/01 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Cancelled Danger (pavojus atšaukiamas)
bow down: each is holy who has a shadow soul or ghost: happy – lifted by death
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. dialect (tarmė)
you will not escape perdition when the viscous fog congeals
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. drink the lips, parted like wine’s (gerk lūpas, prasivėrusias kaip vyno)
drink the lips, parted like wine’s firery depths, with forge-like edges
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. everything will be a dream about (visa bus sapnas apie)
everything will be infallible as a dream however erroneous, the teeth continue to rot
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. Gray Droning (pilkas gaudesys)
flutes and wells, panpipes and a shouting wind papyruses, dead writings moldy along the edges
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Group portrait (grupinis portretas)
the final beginning: apparitions – the waters glide the frightened mood, hasps closed hard, the palm
2002/01/01 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. I find it strange that this time I’m not (man net keista, kad šįkart vairuoju)
I find it strange that this time I’m not driving and that someone drives me, that
2008/04/11 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. I understood, that you were no longer here, in vain (supratau, kad nėr tavęs, kad veltui)
I understood, that you were no longer here, in vain I climb the low steps of the old post office
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. yesterday is tomorrow (vakar yra rytoj)
in my other life as a horse I worked like a horse, during a funeral
2017/04/05 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. In the Old Cottage (senojoj gryčioj)
I cast my gaze over the breadmaker’s pleasant property: clay bowls, a bronze or brass mortar
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. into cuneiform (į dantiraštį)
mountains trembled and hills quivered like large hearts
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. last night I dreamed for the first time (šiąnakt pirmąkart sapnavau)
you just came, asked my mum, if I am at home, and the dream ended, like all dreams, meetings and lives and untimely
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. Like Us (kaip mes)
we are now at least four: our souls and their two tired friends, two bodies
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Manuscript (rankraštis)
I would like to write in the empty spaces of my drawings
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. narrow gauge railway (vaikystės siaurukas)
don’t say that day disappears as if into a sack you will wake and find it unchanged
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. near the wide sea (prie marių plačių)
a wind from God, golden, fragrant above the waters grizzling waves, dark gray clouds, through the crack
2008/04/11 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. on the poppy-strewn Svalia’s shores (iš naminio audimo dainos)
on the poppy-strewn Svalia’s shores from the song of the home-weaved cloth
2008/01/15 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. One Full of Beauty (gražumo pilnoji)
your mountains are too slippery, licked by clouds but, thank God, not too beautiful
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. passage (perėja)
dull sleepy rivers stretch themselves, in the drizzle an alphabet of stone crosses, mirage towns, a short stretch of road, you will soon
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Pasvalys
1. Avižonis pits our mountains within we descend into pits
2. Pumpėnų street the street of my boyhood almshouse windows
3. Grasses in the almshouse yard grasses do not aspire, they bloom grasses bloom, silently
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. People I Dream About (žmonės, kuriuos sapnuoju)
they agonized in their own language they prayed under their own oak tree
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. personal pronouns (asmeniniai įvardžiai)
everyone can utter I and be right, I, so and so, promise, I love, I am deceived
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. Prayed in His Own Language (meldėsi savo kalba)
dried oceans raged and tangled with shadows of ravaged houses, wild
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. reconstruction: Æestiorum gentes (rekonstrukcija: Æestiorum gentes)
three little cocks begin to sing into the sunrise man’s face
2008/01/16 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. solitude and wine (vienas ir vynas)
stormy demons blew dust into my eyes the telephone will say nothing
2010/12/16 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. sowing-time (sėja)
in the morning the sun letting its braids down
2008/01/15 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. starlings and little birds of hollow (špokai ir mažieji uoksų paukšteliai manuos)
starlings and little birds of hollow in my starling-houses are my most
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. starlings and small birds of the hollows in my (špokai ir mažieji uoksų paukšteliai manuos)
starlings and small birds of the hollows in my nesting-box – my most powerful
2017/04/05 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. surrounded (apsuptis)
enduring life, while water drips from the eaves when people are killed from behind their back
2010/10/21 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. the days are oblong (dienos pailgos)
the days are oblong not unlike the fields
2008/01/15 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. The Earth’s Flood (žemės tvanas)
the gods did not intervene, and Charon seized Noah’s boat and rowed in the opposite direction
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. the flood (potvynis)
but the waters surge and wash your feet at every instant
2017/07/24 Translated by Ada Valaitis

Vladas Braziūnas. the heavens flutter there and the waters (dangūs ten plazda ir kliokia)
the heavens flutter there and the waters gush like beer
2017/04/05 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. The Joy of Daydreams (svajonių džiaugsmas)
half the sky is covered with snow clouds, the other drips with rainbows water returns to wells after the droughts
2009/01/01 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. The Mountain Spring (kalno šaltinis)
the water, full of holes, murmurs in thirsty sprays as if autumn still scanned a name forgotten in frost
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. the old man and the sea (senis ir jūra)
the old man bowed to the earth and did not say anything more
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. the root (šaknis)
hump-backed rammed roads overgrew with wormwood and poplars
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. the second-hand like Death's scythe (sekundininkas giltinės dalgiu)
the second-hand like Death's scythe waves alone on the back wall
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. The Speckled Cock’s Offering (raibojo gaidžio aukojimas)
wrinkled hanging crags, with trembling lips of dense-waved autumn clouds nibble mountain pines
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. The Tenancy Road (kelias atodirbis)
where is that beautiful memory with linden-blossom lips the kneeling wind in the plowed fields, the seller of rain
2013/08/04 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Throw a Coin, So You Would Return (įmeski pinigėlį, kad sugrįžtum)
only once, always only once illness like a flight to Bosnia via Vienna
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. Vilnius Classicism (Vilniaus klasicizmas)
there is a person who has risen from the crowd, a ship, sunk in sad thoughts, the death
2001/01/01 Translated by Antanas Danielius

Vladas Braziūnas. we can already call autumn (sambariai)
we can already call autumn raising a sheaf above our heads
2008/01/15 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Braziūnas. we play wordless pigeons (žaidžiam bežadžiai balandžiai)
we play wordless pigeons in the ark that has not seen light
2013/08/23 Translated by Jonas Zdanys

Vladas Brazūnas. How a haiku or another short poem is composed (kaip rašomas haiku ar kitas trumpas eilėraštis)
wind rends leaves I rake them, we both are busy until winter
2009/10/09 Translated by Artūras Šilanskas